Data Policies


Personal information means recorded information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. It encompasses sensitive information.

Sensitive information means information or opinion revealing an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, health, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliations, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, or criminal record.

“We”, “Our” means UseGalaxy Canada and its resource provider (The Digital Research Alliance of Canada).

Privacy Policy and Data Collection

UseGalaxy Canada is committed to protecting your privacy. We do not collect, process, retain or share personal data other than for the purposes described below.

  1. Usage data
    1. In order to monitor and enhance UseGalaxy Canada, we track and retain information about your interaction with the service (i.e. IP addresses, cookies, pages visited, tool invocation parameters, data uploads, etc).
    2. We may share tool usage data with the usegalaxy.* initiative to improve their Galaxy tool recommender system. When we do, we aggregate and anonymise this data to protect your privacy.
    3. For promotional reasons, UseGalaxy Canada periodically creates public usage reports. When we do, we aggregate and anonymise this data to protect your privacy.
  2. Registration data
    1. If you choose to register an account with UseGalaxy Canada, we collect registration data (i.e. email address, institutional affiliation and public name).
    2. UseGalaxy Canada may store and examine registration data to provide access to advanced features, extended quotas, and specialized computing facilities.
    3. UseGalaxy Canada may contact registered account holders using the email address they provide for operational reasons, including:
      1. checking user account security including email verification,
      2. communicating service downtime,
      3. communicating service improvements,
      4. communicating actions we are taking with respect to data quotas and retention periods,
      5. communicating actions we are taking with respect to jobs that are taking a large share of service capacity,
      6. responding to your support requests,
      7. surveying existing and planned use in order to improve and promote the service,
      8. discussing breaches of these Terms of Use, and
      9. communicating updates to UseGalaxy Canada policies
    4. UseGalaxy Canada may contact registered account holders using the email address they provide for promotional reasons, such as seeking consent and content for newsletters, annual reports or media releases by operational partners and funding partners.
  3. Data you upload and share
    1. UseGalaxy Canada stores data which you provide to us voluntarily when you upload a dataset for hosting and analysis.
    2. You are prohibited from using UseGalaxy Canada to host or process sensitive data, including but not limited to personal data.
    3. We may examine data you upload and share for alignment with our Acceptable Use Policy.
  4. Cookies
    1. UseGalaxy Canada uses cookies to identify users/computers in order to maintain user sessions.
    2. UseGalaxy Canada cookies are not linked to your Registration data.
    3. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you may set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies or you may also refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser. Not accepting UseGalaxy Canada cookies will limit the functionality of the service.
  5. Analytics
    1. UseGalaxy Canada uses Google Analytics to analyse usage and improve the service. Google Analytics uses cookies to generate data which is transmitted to Google. You can view Google’s Privacy Policy and options for controlling the data collected here.
  6. Data location
    1. UseGalaxy Canada hosts and shares open community reference, open annotation data, tool metadata, and anonymized tool usage data with international Galaxy Servers as part of the usegalaxy.* initiative.
    2. Google Analytics uses cookies to generate data which may be transmitted and stored in Google servers outside Canada.
    3. User support data managed by The Digital Research Alliance of Canada may be stored outside Canada
    4. All other data is stored and processed in Canada by the UseGalaxy Canada Operational Partners, and will not be provided to any third party unless:
      1. you choose to share content through the service, or
      2. we are required to do so by law.
  7. Modifying and removing personal data
    1. Registered account holders can see and modify the personal information collected by UseGalaxy Canada by logging into the service and navigating to User > Preferences > Manage Information.
    2. Registered account holders can request removal of personal information at any time. Please contact us if you are in this position.

Data Retention and Quota Policy

Because UseGalaxy Canada has a regional focus, it provides more support and larger quotas to the Canadian research communities.

Canadian Users International Users Other Users
Data analysis & visualization
Workflow creation
Content sharing
Storage quota 500GB 250GB 5GB
Storage retention period 730 days 365 days 365 days


  • Canadian Users are affiliated with any Canadian Academic or Research institutions.
  • International Users are affiliated with Academic or Research institutions outside of Canada.
  • Other Users are not affiliated with Academic or Research institutions (i.e. using Google or ORCID to login)
