Data Transfer
  1. Using the Galaxy Upload Data feature through the Web browser

    1. Click on Upload Data on the top of the left panel
    2. Click on Choose local file and select the files or drop the files in the Drop files here part
    3. Click on Start
    4. Click on Close

  2. Using the galaxy-upload pyhton script

    If you are uploading your files from a Linux environment on which Python is installed, you can use the following Python code to assist you uploading files directly into your Galaxy histories.

    1. Generate a secret key in your Galaxy account under "User/Preferences/Manage API Key".
    2. Get the code from Github:
    3. Follow the simple instructions here: galaxy-upload

  3. Directly using the Galaxy API (Bioblend) from your code (for advanced users)

    BioBlend is a Python library for interacting with the Galaxy API. It’s goal is to make it easier to script and automate the running of Galaxy analyses and administering of a Galaxy server. You can find the full documentation here: Bioblend Full Documentation
