About UseGalaxy Canada

UseGalaxy Canada provides researchers with free access to a high-performance computing network through a simple web interface. It maintains tools, workflows and reference datasets as requested by the Canadian research community, making the platform the ideal place to perform their analyses.

UseGalaxy Canada Features

UseGalaxy Canada closely follows the implementation guidelines of the international UseGalaxy servers that provide a common core set of tools and reference genomes, and are open to anyone. As such, UseGalaxy Canada aims at providing the same core features as the 3 main UseGalaxy servers to the Canadian and international research communities. Below are some of those features:

The usegalaxy.* initiative

There are 3 large Galaxy servers that make up the usegalaxy.* initiative. Galaxy Main in the USA (usegalaxy.org) Galaxy Europe (usegalaxy.eu) and Galaxy Australia (usegalaxy.org.au). The usegalaxy.* servers aim to provide a global publicly available bioinformatics resource, present a similar look and feel, similar installed tool sets and reference data and indices. We do this via a network of globally distributed data servers and open-source code. For more information on usegalaxy.* see the Galaxy Project Community Hub.

The inclusion of additional tools, reference genomes, and annotation data can be requested.

Citing UseGalaxy Canada

When you use UseGalaxy Canada to support your publication or project, please acknowledge it with the following statement:

"This work is supported by UseGalaxy Canada, a service provided by the Calcul Québec (CalculQuebec.ca), the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (Alliancecan.ca), and the Université de Sherbrooke (USherbrooke.ca)"
