Terms of service

Interaction with the UseGalaxy Canada website https://usegalaxy.ca/ denotes agreement with the following terms:

  1. Use of service
    1. Your access to UseGalaxy Canada is provided under the condition that you abide by our Acceptable Use Policy.
    2. You indemnify and hold the UseGalaxy Canada team and its resource provider (The Digital Resource Alliance of Canada) harmless against loss in connection with your use of the service.
    3. You agree to acknowledge use of UseGalaxy Canada in your research outputs using the format of our Acknowledgement Statement.
  2. Research data hosting and analysis
    1. UseGalaxy Canada is designed to support data analysis and visualization. If you choose to upload and host data in UseGalaxy Canada you shall ensure that you comply with applicable laws of Canada, the province of Quebec, as well as laws of other jurisdictions that might be applicable due to the sensitivity, provenance, intended use, ownership, or licensing imposed on the data being processed.
    2. UseGalaxy Canada is not designed to host or process Personal or Sensitive data. You are prohibited from using UseGalaxy Canada to host or process Personal or Sensitive data, including but not limited to personally identifying genetic, genomic or health data. See the UseGalaxy Canada Data Policies for definitions of Personal and Sensitive data.
    3. UseGalaxy Canada is not designed for long term hosting of data. Please only host data for the period required for analysis and then export/download your analyzed data. Old data are periodically purged in line with the data retention periods described in our UseGalaxy Canada Data Policies.
  3. Sharing content
    1. UseGalaxy Canada is designed to support reproducible science. Registered account holders may choose to create and share “content” including data libraries, usage histories, workflows and visualizations.
    2. Shared content will be retained for the lifetime of the service (see UseGalaxy Canada Features) and is not subject to research data hosting and retention limits.
    3. You can choose to delete your content at any time.
    4. Download and use of content from UseGalaxy Canada does not transfer any intellectual property rights in the content to you.
  4. Termination
    1. UseGalaxy Canada reserves the right, without notice, at its sole discretion and without liability,
      1. to alter, delete or block access to content that it deems to be inappropriate, and
      2. to restrict or remove access where it considers that your use of UseGalaxy Canada seeks to impede its operations or violates these Terms of Use.
  5. Change of Terms
    1. These Terms of Use are subject to change at any time and without notice, other than through posting the updated Terms of Use on the https://usegalaxy.ca website and communicating the update by email to registered account holders.
  6. Disclaimer
    1. The Service is provided to you on an “AS IS” BASIS and WITHOUT WARRANTY, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE SERVICE IS WITH YOU. This DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY constitutes an essential part of this service agreement.

If you have any questions or comments with respect to UseGalaxy Canada, or if you are unsure whether your intended use complies with these Terms of Use, or if you seek permission for an intended use that does not fall within these Terms of Use, please contact us.
